You Have To Push Forward In Life

Stories of my life. Lessons of my life...
To be prosperous you have to push through learning new skills, information, training.
Nothing comes freely.
To be prosperous you have to push through the work of learning new skills, information, training.
Life lessons usually cost you something. As Dave Ramsey says "I paid a lot of stupid tax."
Nothing comes easy.
To get healthy. You have to push through comfort to discomfort. That's how muscles grow.
To get healthy you have to push through comfort to discomfort. That's how you overcome emotional struggles.
To get healthy you have to heal mental injuries, else the same patterns will repeat over and over and over in your life until you're life is nothing but a shadow, table scraps of other peoples lives.
So the question I have for you is this:
Are you pushing through? Or are you sitting down?