Why The Lord Lets Us Make Mistakes

Why We Make Mistakes and why The Lord lets us make mistakes.
Because we're human, and it’s often the only way we learn.
But also...
Because that’s part of God Plays Chess Backwards. He’s walking us through the journey over the days and decades of our life. We won't listen perfectly. Which means we won't suddenly get everything right, right now. So it's a journey of mistakes and wise choices over and over again throughout the years.
Now that...
- Doesn’t make mistakes good
- Doesn’t make mistakes healthy
- Doesn’t make mistakes holy
Mistakes are just part of the journey that we imperfect humans have to walk through. I would not be where I am today without my mistakes alongside my victories.
We made and make mistakes all along our lives, yet The Lord still sent Jesus down. Why? Because life is more important than the mistakes!
Consider this:
We’re all in the car with Jesus.
Some people are stuck with the car in park. Afraid to make mistakes.
Others are driving 8,000,000 mph and getting in wrecks over and over again.
While others are just driving really slow. Being careful, being anxious, being afraid, or they just don't like it when life is moving fast. Or rather when life is changing too fast.
And others can’t see where they are going because they cannot take their eyes off the rear view mirror. Despite copilot Jesus sitting next to them.
Of course the mistakes in the rear view mirror are there. They are real. They are important. But you have to change how you look at them.
Are you fixated on them? Unable to take your eyes off the rear view mirror? Unable to stop thinking about the past?
Can you finally turn your eyes back to the road ahead. Your future life tomorrow and the years to come. And change your natural behavior to only look at the rear view mirror when it’s important for the safety of your driving today?
- Look up!
- Look out the windshield!
- Look at the horizon of possible future, a better life away from your past mistakes
- Look up!
- It’s time to start driving again!
- Take your life out of park
- Take your foot off the brake
- Put your foot on the gas, Gently now
Your eyes went back to the rear view mirror didn’t it? The past trying to lure you back in...
Look up!