The Power And The Pain Of Not Giving Up

The concept of giving up can mean a great many things to a great many people. For you not giving up might look like...
- Not stopping your exercise regimen before you hit your goal
- Not walking away from your education plans again
- Not giving up hope that your prodigal child will return
- Not giving up on true love
- Not leaving your company because you didn't get the promotion
- Not letting your friend drift away
- Not turning your back on The Lord because things didn't go the way you wanted
- Not trading God's calling on your life when offered worldly things
- Continuing to fight the battle against disease, depression, suicidal thoughts, or addictions
- Not surrendering your life over to less than God planned for you
- And thousands of other things...
For me it's almost always based on people. Because people are what I care most about. Whether that's my child, my best friend, my family, my accountability, coworkers, friends, etc.
A friend of mine once said "You really don't give up on people, do you." (paraphrase).
Yep, that's me.
I don't give up on people. Period.
Now that looks different from person to person. Some people I can "not give up on" from far away. Others I always draw closer to them because that's what they need.
Regardless of how "not giving up" looks there are truths that follow every time.
It's Powerful
It is powerful to not give up. Because you get to sit back with some popcorn and witness the Lord do truly amazing things in other people's lives! Miracles, wonders, joy, healing, 2nd, 4th, 10th chances. The works. It's truly amazing to be able to see the powerful growth and change in a person when you don't give up on them!
It's Painful
It is also painful at times to not give up. Because you want the best for people, you love them dearly. But everyone has free will to do whatever they want with their lives. Sometimes those free will choices are amazing and bring great joy to their lives! Other times those free will choices lead to pain, hardship, loss, struggles, consequences that are tough to stomach or just painful lessons.
Be prepared for both of those outcomes...
Because in the end you will most likely experience both with the person. The painful lessons as well as the powerful breakthroughs and life changes. Just hang on tight and don't let go. And be prepared for your heart to bleed and also soar like an eagle.
They are worth it.