Taking Authority Over... Yourself?
Freedom can only be found when we walk away from our past toxic selves. Our brains betray us every day, sending us back into the cycles of our past over and over.

Have you ever come face to face with the deepest and most toxic root in your own life?
I did this morning. I came face to face with my own self. Face to face with the root that stretches back into my youngest years. The root that has grown silently, slowly throughout my life. That root that has poisoned every interaction with others, poisoned my relationships, poisoned my prosperity, poisoned my future.
What that root doesn't really matter though. What matters is what you do next, once you exit denial and accept that the root is there. It's real. It's destroying your mind, your heart, your family, and stealing your future by replacing it with dysfunction and misery that looks and feels for a hot minute as happiness and fullness.
So I was out walking and praying. Seeking help from the Lord. And after four decades it was time to face my real enemy... myself. I have sabotaged my own life, all the while thinking I was doing the right thing! I poisoned my most important relationships all the while thinking I was right, I was being smart and wise. I kept hurting the people closest to me, yet I was confused that they were bothered or hurt! Because how could they be bothered? How could they be hurt? I was doing the right thing! I was doing what was best! How could they feel negatives, when all I could see was positives from my behaviors and choices!!?!?
I was the enemy, of myself.
But it was during that walk, after finally turning to face the real root of all my problems, that I felt the question.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
It was then that I remembered from the Bible how we can take authority over things in the name of Christ. We can cast out demons, we can tell mountains to pick up and move, we can heal the sick by the authority of Christ within us!
And then it hit me.
We have that authority over our own flesh!
We have that authority over our own minds!
We have that authority over our own hearts!
Without hesitation I delved forward. Desperate for freedom from my own mindset that was causing me to destroy my own self, all the while feeling happy and that I was making the "right" decisions! (it's scary how easily we can trick ourselves into thinking poisonous behaviors, relationships, thought patterns are actually making us healthy and happy!)
So I took authority over the root in my life that has poisoned my entire life. I took authority over the root that has kept me in the shadows of life, never alive. I took authority over the root of my issues that caused me to accept moldy chicken wings as the best possible meal I could have, could deserve, could expect. I took authority over it in the name of Christ, to be free of it forever and always.
Now I am free. Forever free. The old has been made new.
When you're ready, turn towards your root. The root that has held you back your entire life. The root that keeps you in the toxic cycles of depression, abusive relationships, financial failure, broken relationships, comfortably miserable, lacking prosperity.
Turn towards the root in your life. And take authority over it in the name of Jesus Christ. Acknowledge it, and through the power of His name cast it out of your own self!
Freedom can only be found after we die to ourselves through ending being in denial.
Freedom can only be found when we walk away from our past toxic selves. Our brains betray us every day, sending us back into the cycles of our past over and over.
Take authority over your own toxic brain!