We All Get Lost Along The Way
But seriously stop and think about it as you're sitting there right now. Do you consider your life a journey? Or perhaps it feels more like a log drifting down the river? Or worse yet perhaps it doesn't feel like anything, perhaps it just feels like nothing?

Do you consider yourself on a journey? You should. Life is a journey from conception to the end. Whether you like it or not. Whether you actively participate in it or not. Life is a journey.
But seriously stop and think about it as you're sitting there right now. Do you consider your life a journey? Or perhaps it feels more like a log drifting down the river? Or worse yet perhaps it doesn't feel like anything, perhaps it just feels like nothing?
Do you just wake up and do the same things every day? Not even thinking about "my life"?
Do you have distant hopes and dreams, but another year... another decade slipped by and nothing has really changed?
Do you keep telling yourself you will leave, but you never do?
Do you keep telling yourself you won't allow them to treat you like this anymore, but you keep shrinking?
Or perhaps you just woke up from a bad dream, a bad dream that is the consequences of your own choices?
The list goes on and on. Infinite ways to avoid the confrontation with ourselves.
It's easier to stay lost, than turn to face our problems
And yes, you read that right. I just compared all those horrible things above to being "lost". Because at the end of the day, that's what they all are. Being lost in the darkness.
It doesn't matter if time is just slipping by, or if things are truly terrible. It's all darkness, because it's keeping you from the light.
So stop again for a moment where you're sitting. Seriously. Stop.
And really think about that, then come back here :)
Hi again, welcome back!
Here's the good news.
You are just like every single other human being who has ever lived, is living currently, and will ever live in the future.
We all get lost along the way
Once you realize this is a natural part of life it empowers you to stand to your feet and face whatever that problem is.
Once you stop running from that confrontation, you can get up off your ___ and resume your journey.