Right And Righteous Are Not Always The Same

Sometimes doing the right thing is not the righteous thing
Now I know some people will shriek and spit venom at that statement. So right out of the gate I will bring up Joshua 2 where it talks about Rahab lying.
Nuff said.
Sometimes doing the right thing is not the righteous thing
Sometimes you have to do the right thing, which is not the righteous thing. Which is not the holy thing. Which might be even the wrong thing according to society or even morality.
You have to remember that life is not about sin. It's about love. Sometimes love does the "wrong" thing. Sometimes love does the "sinful" thing. Sometimes love does unrighteous things. But does it really matter?
Really? Does it matter?
Now to be clear I am not saying sin is ok. Far from it. I am saying life is not about sin. Life is not about anything other than Jesus. And Jesus is love. Jesus is forgiveness for those who want it. Jesus is 2nd, 3rd and 400th chances. Jesus is about redemption and forgiveness for the mistakes we make. Jesus is not about rules, sin, condemnation, being stuck with your life, or anything like that. Jesus already knows all the good and the bad things we will do in our lives and He still loves us, still saves us, still has grace and mercy for us.
Think about it. Jesus knows in advance when you'll lie 10 years from now. But He's still giving you grace today. He knows when you'll hold an idol above God 30 years from now. He still loves you today. He knows you'll commit adultery 2 days from now, and He still gives you grace today and tomorrow and 10 years from now. He knows when you'll steal that pen from work, and He still loves you.
Because sin doesn't matter. Mistakes don't matter. Love matters. Your heart matters. Your path matters. Your journey with God is the only thing that matters.