Is it OK to Not Be as Far Along?
You will probably notice a lot of decisions you made. A lot of opportunities that you got, that those other people didn't.

Are you in your 30's and looking at 20 year old's who are further along than you in life? Perhaps they are more prosperous? Perhaps they have already learned more of a skill than you have?
Perhaps you are in your 50's and the 30 year old's are passing you by?
Now stop for a moment and take a breath. Instead of focusing on what they are doing and you are not doing. Ask yourself this:
Is it ok that God took you on a different path than those other people?
If you stop looking at them and instead look backwards at your own life. You will probably notice a lot of decisions you made. A lot of opportunities that you got, that those other people didn't. You might also see the wonderful people in your life, that they don't have. Or you might also see the horrible people you allowed to influence you over the years that took you away from good things.
But I will ask the question again:
Is it ok that God took you on a different path than those other people?
Honest question.
Yes everyone has different lives. We all know and understand that. But we don't often accept that in our hearts.
For example marriage is a fairly universal topic.
- Some people get married, some don't.
- Some people get married and stay married. But that might not be your story
- Is that ok?
- Is it ok you’ve never married?
- Is it ok you’ve been married 3 times?
What about career?
- Some people find their careers at 20 years old
- Some people find their careers at 50 years old
- Some never find their careers
- Is that ok?
- Is it ok you've had 3 careers?
- Is it ok that it took you 30 years to even start your career?
- Is it ok that someone found their career at 20 years old?
Hopefully all that got your wheels moving on some different roads that you usually travel. And now that you're thinking, I will circle back again.
Is it ok that God took you on a different path than those other people?
Because at the end of that thought road is that very question. Despite my road looking different than theirs. Despite me feeling my road is better or worse than theirs.
Is it ok?
Am I ok with my own road?
And once you have an answer to that, you will start to become freer than you've ever experienced before.